Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day : )

Look, it's Jensen Ackles!!!!! ^
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!!! It's funny, I totally forgot that it was today. I even forgot it was Wednesday!!! Lol. Anyways, Have a great day and to those of you who drink- Be careful, you never know when a lepperchaun might try to steal you away!!!!


  1. Speaking of Leprechans...I stumbled across at least two of those movies when I was little on tv. Holy crap, they scared me! I was afraid the leprechan was going to appear and murder me. And I was even more afraid that I'd find a gold coin that would lead him to me!!!! LOL! Oh, and today one of my teachers...a dorky, boring, old, ugly math teacher...pinched a couple people not wearing green! Sexual Harrassment!! LOL...not! Well, I guess it could actually be considered that!! We learned about sexual harrassment today in one of my, what a day!
