Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back to what i was saying before about not having to go to school anymore. Um, i had a minor setback with my project that i was going to do. i was almost finished with it and i almost had all my hours done and i was supposed to graduate early but my English teacher said that my project was overlapping with my class. so he had me talk to the senior project coordinator and she listened to my problem, which was that i had only four days left until i had to turn in my portfolio and then do my senior boards, but the project i was previously doing was overlapping with my guitar class. my original project was to learn a Green Day song on my guitar. i thought that it was fine as long as i was using a song from a band, but apparently it wasn't allowed so i had to do something else. i couldn't get classes set up for my next semester because the way my first semester schedule was set up was to go with my leaving early anyway and it was too late to find classes to fill my next schedule so the senior project coordinator decided that i could leave early just as i'd planned, but i would continue with my project and graduate in May with everyone else. It's very freakin' complicated and i was a mess when i found out that i couldn't stay with my original thing. No doubt i was horribly pissed. Especially at the people who didn't check to see if my project was qualified so this kinda thing that happened to me wasn't supposed to happen in the first place. But oh well. At least i have more time to prepare for my 10 minute senior board. since i'm performing my song i get to talk for at least seven minutes and perform the song for three. which is better then talking for ten minutes straight. i think i'd lose my damn mind if i did that. I totally can't wait for the Senior Ball, its going to be soooo amazing!!!!! I gotta go, tune in for more l8tr!!!!!

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